John Papa Gros

Unique And Edgy

My organ is a 1955 Hammond B3. It was made on January 13, 1955. I got it from a guy here in New Orleans who got it from a guy in Iowa who got it from the J. Geils Band. There's something unique about that organ. There's something edgy about it. There's something...

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If I’m doing a two hour show, I spend 22 hours a day mentally and physically preparing to give my all for those two hours. That's whether I’m driving or flying across the country, sleeping and / or resting at my house or hotel, or whatever I need to be doing. But 22...

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My Calling

Playing music is what I love to do. It doesn't matter what room I’m in, how big the stage, or who I’m playing to. I go through all the hoops, all the headaches, to do what I do, because I get so much out of it. It’s my calling. It's what I am supposed to do.

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