Background Vocals

The challenging part of performing some of the songs on stage is covering the amazing female background vocals. Erica Falls, Jelly Joseph, Susan Cowsill and Vicki Peterson sing beautifully on the record, but on the road we’re just four ugly dudes.

Respect For The Music

It really doesn’t matter if you are sitting in a rehearsal room with two people working on some new music or you are playing in from of 30,000 or 40,000 people at a festival. There’s no difference in the musical conversation. It’s not like...

The Sound Of Joy On A Sad Day

To me, music is joy and happiness, which can also be found in the saddest of emotions. I was at a friend’s funeral. He was loved by many, and an inspirational person and musician. The brass band was playing the slowest, saddest dirge, which would be the first...