That Primal Energy

That Primal Energy

I’m a musician. I write music. I play songs. That’s what I do. I’m in the music business and that’s what I have to do first. I fell in love with music as a kid, listening to songs, sitting at the piano playing songs, going over to...
The French Horn

The French Horn

A huge part of my upbringing was playing the French horn. I graduated Loyola University with a French horn degree. I love the instrument, I love the sound.
Buffalo, New York Concert

Buffalo, New York Concert

Playing a free show in Buffalo, New York on August 15th as part of The Big Easy in Buffalo series! 
Different Every Night

Different Every Night

With the live shows, we look to make things different every night. It would be so easy to be repetitive and go through the motions. That wouldn’t be any fun. It’s a blast surprising ourselves.