by John Gros | Jun 27, 2018 | News
“John Gros is one of those dudes that can make a rehearsal or waiting around for a show or playing the actual performance so much more fun. He has a real knack for bringing a band alive in the best way possible” – Robert Mercurio (Galactic)
by John Gros | Jun 26, 2018 | News
The song “Sugar And Ice” tells the age old tale of a man struggling with his woman but with little twists and lines that represent my life. “I need a Dixie and a whiskey”. My Paw Paw drank Dixie beer and loved his IW Harper whiskey....
by John Gros | Jun 25, 2018 | News
See John “Papa” Gros at the Last Concert Cafe in Houston on July 19th! BUY TICKETS
by John Gros | Jun 22, 2018 | News
The way I was taught from George Porter Jr. from the Meters when I was with his band is you start a song, and all of a sudden doors can always open and give you opportunities to go see what’s in another room, investigate what’s over here, investigate what’s over...
by John Gros | Jun 21, 2018 | News
On the song “Her Love Can’t Be Denied,” Brian Stoltz layered four different guitar tracks to create a lush bed to support the lyrics. You can’t really hear them all but they’re there. It was a joy to watch the master work his craft. —...
by John Gros | Jun 19, 2018 | News
“I was initially afraid to ask John to play with me because I was so intimidated. He’s a legend and I’ve always admired him. I finally asked and he agreed so amiably that I was mad at myself for not asking sooner. He brings such professionalism to...